RRA Resolutions

Adopted at RRA Conventions

Abortion Rights 1981
AIDS 1988
Benedictions for Energy Use 1992
Beta Israel in Addis Ababa 1992
Black-Jewish Dialogue 1988
Black-Jewish Relations 1980
Breach of Trust 1992
Central American Refugees 1990
Chaplaincy 1992
Childcare 1990
Children of Mixed Marriages 1980
Civil Marriage for Same-Sex Couples 2004
Climate 2021
Co-Officiation 2000
Commercialism & the Rabbinate 1992
Conflict in Gaza 1988
Conscientious Objectors 1981
Conversion 1979
Death Penalty 2003
Donor 1996
Elliot Skiddell 1982
Ending Domestic Violence 1991
Energy Conservation 1980
ERA 1982
Ethiopian Jewry 1991
Fair Trade 2003
Free Choice of Destination 1977
Gays & Lesbians 1990
Gender 2020
Gender Identity 2013
Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina 1995
Global Climate Crisis 2008
Gun Violence 2013
Headwaters Redwood Forest 1998
Health Care without Harm 1998
Hebron Massacre 1994
Homelessness - Responsibility 1988
Hunger 1989
Immigration Reform in the United States 2013
Indochina 1980
Inner City Health Care 1991
Intermarriage Committee 1980
Iran Extremism 1980
Iraq-Iran 2007
Israel 1997
Israel & Persian Gulf Crisis 1991
Israel at 50 1998
Jewish Deaf 1982
Jewish Demographic Trends 1992
Jewish Education 1989
Jewish Unity 1988
Justice for Jonathan Pollard 1992
Kaplan Centennial 1981
Kol Yisrael 1980
Land Mines 1996
Living Wills 1988
Membership 2003
Membership & Leadership in Boards of Rabbis 1992
Middle East Peace 1992
Mourning the Victims of Violence 1996
Non-Discrimination in RRA Membership 1991
Nuclear Disarmament 1985
Opioid Crisis 2021
Oppression of Haitians 1993
Patrilineal Descent 1985
Permanent Partners Immigration Act 2003
Placement 1982
Pluralism 1982
Reconstructionism 1985
Reconstructionism 1986
Religious Freedom 1991
Religious Pluralism in Israel 1995
Religious Standards 1980
Reparations 2021
Reproductive Choice 1981
Reproductive Health Care and Reproductive Justice 2024
Resolution Policy 1985
Resources to the Poor 1992
Rohingya 2019
RRA Business 1982
S. Rushdie & Freedom of Expression 1993
Sanctuary 1985
Save Social Security 2005
Save the Beta Yisrael 1980
Seeking Proselytes into Judaism 1978
Shomrei Mispat 1998
Soviet Jewry 1990
Stem Cell Research - Educational and Political Support 2005
Students' Participation 1980
Support of Reconstructionist Magazine 1992
Support the Leadership of RRC 1992
Torture & Abuse of Detainees by the U.S. 2005
Torture-Struggle to Abolish Under United States' Authority 2008
TPS for Salvadorans 1992
Trangender 2017
Tribute to Ivan Caine 1988
Unionizing - Support the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) 2010
Who is a Jew 1989
Women at the Wall 1990
Women in the Rabbinate 2008
Women's Rights at the Kotel 1989
Reproductive Health Care and Reproductive Justice 2024
Climate 2021
Opioid Crisis 2021
Reparations 2021
Gender 2020
Rohingya 2019
Trangender 2017
Gender Identity 2013
Gun Violence 2013
Immigration Reform in the United States 2013
Unionizing - Support the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) 2010
Global Climate Crisis 2008
Torture-Struggle to Abolish Under United States' Authority 2008
Women in the Rabbinate 2008
Iraq-Iran 2007
Save Social Security 2005
Stem Cell Research - Educational and Political Support 2005
Torture & Abuse of Detainees by the U.S. 2005
Civil Marriage for Same-Sex Couples 2004
Death Penalty 2003
Fair Trade 2003
Membership 2003
Permanent Partners Immigration Act 2003
Co-Officiation 2000
Headwaters Redwood Forest 1998
Health Care without Harm 1998
Israel at 50 1998
Shomrei Mispat 1998
Israel 1997
Donor 1996
Land Mines 1996
Mourning the Victims of Violence 1996
Genocide in Bosnia-Herzegovina 1995
Religious Pluralism in Israel 1995
Hebron Massacre 1994
Oppression of Haitians 1993
S. Rushdie & Freedom of Expression 1993
Benedictions for Energy Use 1992
Beta Israel in Addis Ababa 1992
Breach of Trust 1992
Chaplaincy 1992
Commercialism & the Rabbinate 1992
Jewish Demographic Trends 1992
Justice for Jonathan Pollard 1992
Membership & Leadership in Boards of Rabbis 1992
Middle East Peace 1992
Resources to the Poor 1992
Support of Reconstructionist Magazine 1992
Support the Leadership of RRC 1992
TPS for Salvadorans 1992
Ending Domestic Violence 1991
Ethiopian Jewry 1991
Inner City Health Care 1991
Israel & Persian Gulf Crisis 1991
Non-Discrimination in RRA Membership 1991
Religious Freedom 1991
Central American Refugees 1990
Childcare 1990
Gays & Lesbians 1990
Soviet Jewry 1990
Women at the Wall 1990
Hunger 1989
Jewish Education 1989
Who is a Jew 1989
Women's Rights at the Kotel 1989
AIDS 1988
Black-Jewish Dialogue 1988
Conflict in Gaza 1988
Homelessness - Responsibility 1988
Jewish Unity 1988
Living Wills 1988
Tribute to Ivan Caine 1988
Reconstructionism 1986
Nuclear Disarmament 1985
Patrilineal Descent 1985
Reconstructionism 1985
Resolution Policy 1985
Sanctuary 1985
Elliot Skiddell 1982
ERA 1982
Jewish Deaf 1982
Placement 1982
Pluralism 1982
RRA Business 1982
Abortion Rights 1981
Conscientious Objectors 1981
Kaplan Centennial 1981
Reproductive Choice 1981
Black-Jewish Relations 1980
Children of Mixed Marriages 1980
Energy Conservation 1980
Indochina 1980
Intermarriage Committee 1980
Iran Extremism 1980
Kol Yisrael 1980
Religious Standards 1980
Save the Beta Yisrael 1980
Students' Participation 1980
Conversion 1979
Seeking Proselytes into Judaism 1978
Free Choice of Destination 1977